Personal connection is the gift I am able to share with others during the current pandemic. Right now, our community isn’t able to connect the way we are used to. We miss chatting with neighbors, visiting with family, and the normalcy of everyday schedules. Even though we are not able to talk face-to-face, I am still able to work with kids and adults in a creative way – playing virtual Connect Four, sharing my computer screen to play a game together, and watching YouTube videos as we mediate together. I am fortunate to have a fulfilling career, and the joy I experience while working with others is unmatchable. I am able to get to know so many wonderful people and connect at a deeper level. When I see a smile from a child, knowing they are happy to see me, I know I have made a difference during a hard time in their life.

During COVID-19, we are all going through unprecedented times and no one needs to feel alone. Reaching out for help is key – the sooner you seek counseling the better, but it’s also never too late to seek support. If your thoughts and feelings are getting in the way of everyday life, take the opportunity to reach out for help. Imagine yourself as a watering can, and you are always giving your water to others, but you can’t give any more if you have no water left for yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself it is hard to take care of those you love.  

Here at Child & Family Services, we are lucky to have an amazing group of counselors that are able to offer a variety of services such as play therapy, trauma therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and many other counseling methods. You can be placed with someone that is a perfect fit for you. We are fortunate to work in this time with video and phone call sessions and our team can talk you through the process. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and everyone needs a little help from time to time. Please click here to get more information from our website or call us at (716) 842-2750.

Michelle Klossner, LCSW Mental Health Counselor, Family Mental Health Child & Family Services