October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and at Child and Family Services Haven House, we honor all survivors of domestic violence. Your generosity helps to save lives of women, men and children. You help women like Emily*.

Emily had two children and was pregnant with her third child. She was overwhelmed and unemployed with no places to live. They had been in and out of Haven House emergency shelter multiple times before leaving her abusive relationship for good. She needed to find stability for her children but had never lived alone.

Emily was connected to Haven House’s Rapid Rehousing program where team members were able to help Emily find a place to live and assist her with rent.

When Emily first met with her Haven House advocate, she was shocked that her apartment was not only livable, but nice. It was clean and had enough bedrooms for all her children to have their own space. With the help of Haven House, she was also able to furnish the apartment with appliances and amenities that made it feel like a home. Emily spoke of her plans to turn one of the bedrooms into a nursery for her new baby. She said she never imagined this would be her reality – having her own home.

With your gift, Child and Family Services can provide emergency shelter at Haven House, individual and group counseling and legal advocacy.

Click here to donate now.

“It’s so exciting to find a home for survivors like Emily, especially coming from a shelter environment,” said Kristin Tanner. “Survivors are often used to communal living or sharing bedrooms. When we can find them a place of their own, it is a fresh start for them while keeping Haven House as a safety net to help with the things they are still figuring out.”

For Emily, her new apartment symbolizes so much – a safe space for her family and the progress she has made in taking control of her life.

Thank you for supporting women like Emily. We cannot do it alone. Every donation helps provide survivors with essential resources and a secure environment to give them a start at a life free from violence. You make this possible.