Megan Andrews, Director of Child and Family Services Employee Assistance Program (EAP), was excited to join the Balancing Life’s Issues podcast to discuss what trauma informed work is and the importance of bringing this kind of work to employees through their Employee Assistance Program. How do we begin to unburden ourselves from trauma?

On May 14th, 2022 Megan Andrews was faced with the unthinkable. A shooter drove to her community of Buffalo, NY and killed 10 Black people in a racist massacre at a supermarket in a predominantly Black neighborhood.

What happened next for Megan was the culmination of 30+ years of experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Megan and her team were sent to the scene to provide immediate, on-site support for anyone in need in that moment. However, it was the support they provided months and years beyond the massacre that showed just how much the trauma of that day had permeated through the entire community.