Just like domestic violence, teen dating violence is happening in all communities. One in three teens in the US will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before they become adults. In addition, 43% of college women reported experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors, according to love is respect (“2022 Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month Action Guide“).

If a teenager is experiencing domestic or dating violence, they are most likely to tell a trusted confidante – such as a friend, family member, mentor, or teacher – about the abuse they are experiencing.

“If folks are able to educate themselves more about domestic and dating violence, they’ll be more prepared to listen non-judgmentally and offer support if a teen in their life discloses dating violence,” said Sara Gartland, Director of Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention Services at Haven House. “Additionally, teenage years are a really formative time, and a great time to talk openly with the young people in your life about what a healthy relationship is. You don’t have to wait until the teenage years to start talking to the young people in your life about healthy relationships, and there are also great resources available to help talk to younger children about healthy relationships.”

Haven House provides support and assistance to anyone experiencing domestic violence, including dating violence, through the 24-hour telephone (716-884-6000) and anonymous online chat hotline. We can also talk to friends, family, and loved ones who may be concerned about a teen in their life. Services at Haven House beyond our hotline are accessible to anyone 16 and older.

Other available resources include:

  • love is respect, which has great resources for teens and young adults about healthy relationships and relationship abuse. They also offer a telephone, chat, and text hotline specifically for teens and young adults.
  • The National Network to End Domestic Violence has great resources at techsafety.org regarding the use of technology in teen dating violence. They also have resources on how to help teens and young adults identify tech abuse and be safer online.