Whether we are chasing the next big promotion or are seeking a work environment that fits with our values, many of us have a few stops on our career’s journey. Jon Tarrant is no different. After working his way up to a leadership position in the Residential Treatment Program at Child and Family Services (C&FS), he received an offer from New York State to become a corrections officer. Jon accepted.

What makes Jon’s story different from most is he was drawn back to C&FS. “During my time as a corrections officer I saw kids coming through the system and something struck me; there was more I could do to help them from going down this path in the first place,” explained Jon. “I felt like coming back to work at Child & Family Services is how I can help them the most.”

A homecoming of sorts, Jon felt he could help care and be a role model for young people in residential programming. He walks the C&FS campus frequently in order to get to know the kids as individuals. Jon believes it is critical to a child’s development to learn what they like and what motivates them. He also wants to make sure that they know they can always talk to him.

“It’s kind of amazing,” Jon laughed. “Every now and then, I will get a message on Facebook or somewhere else from a child who lived on campus. They have thanked me, let me know that they’re doing well, and told me that they remember the talks we had. The feeling I get when I hear that… that’s why I came back to Child & Family Services. I know I really made a difference.”

Children come to C&FS for a safe place and depend on employees like Jon to help guide them through the healing process. You can help Child & Family Services continue to make a difference in the lives of children who need us the most.

With a gift to our year-end appeal, you, like Jon, can make a difference in the lives of all the children we serve.

Please consider supporting our extraordinary staff and their mission to serve children and their families in Western New York.

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