“They kind of taste like spicy mashed potatoes!”

An evening of tantalizing adventure took place within the shelter of Haven House as “Epic Ethnic Food Night” brought about new flavors and many laughs and challenged residents and children to step out of their taste buds’ comfort zone.

A generous group of employees from National Fuel gifted Haven House with funding to host a night of fun cuisine that the shelter could not normally stage. In addition to this funding, an abundance of winter coats and ten new microwaves were donated to Haven House by Raymond Boy and his colleagues—a partnership which began in 2011. After seeing Haven House featured in the morning news all those years ago, Ray suggested that they should reach out to see if they could help.

“The group of us had been looking around [for a cause to support] and it was clear that Haven House was on the top of the list with the biggest immediate and local need,” said Ray.

The new appliance donation is particularly significant as residents peruse the “New Beginnings Closet” in the shelter, selecting items to furnish the new apartment they will transition into after their time at Haven House.

“Epic Ethnic Food Night” was catered by West Side Bazaar, a conglomerate of restaurant vendors managed by refugees and immigrants of the West Side of Buffalo. A mouth-watering menu consisting of sushi and chicken bakati from Burma, pad thai from Thailand, and injera from Ethiopia that filled the shelter’s cafeteria. This communal-style cafeteria within the 36-bed shelter creates an intimate atmosphere for dinnertime gatherings among families. Children often spend their meals sharing stories from school and parents have a moment to take a breath as their family is nourished.

On this particular evening, the cafeteria was buzzing with excitement. In spite of the cuisine’s unfamiliarity to the residents, most conquered their fears and ate at least one new dish. Sara Grady, program manager at Haven House, said, “Everyone was adventurous! It was fun to enjoy the meal with residents as they all described what each dish tasted like and encouraged each other to try. This was a hit among the kids! It’s always amusing to hear their imaginative senses at work!”

Moments like these in shelter transform into sweet memories down the road for Haven House families to cherish. The longstanding relationship with National Fuel ensures that Haven House can continue to expand horizons and open a world of new possibilities and tastes!