Incredible things are possible when we work together.

What difference is my support making? Who is it helping?

This is a fair question for any of our supporters to ask. In this section, we will share our stories with you while maintaining complete confidentiality. We will keep you updated on the activities in our various programs, including success stories of those whom we have helped, special events in which our programs participate, and any commendations that our staff receives.

A Beautiful Night at Fashion Show with a Twist

Fashion Show with a Twist was a night of beauty. Beautiful Venue. Beautiful Fashion from LuluLemon and RuthAnn Boutique. Beautiful crafts from local vendors.  But the most beautiful thing at the event was not something that could be seen. Rather, it was something to be felt. Everyone at Fashion Show with a Twist walked into…
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Haven House Children Tour Fire Department

“In five years, I get to be a firefighter!” Squeals of delight filled the Swormville Fire Department when ten of the youngest residents of Haven House came for a visit last week. February break is a busy time of year for the shelter, and staff work hard to develop memorable excursions to keep the children…
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Bean Family’s Generosity Leads to Inspiring Falk School Assemblies

The first days of a new school year can be a difficult time for students. Many of them experience anxiety and self-doubt as they readjust to pressures and dynamics that they have gone without for months. What is one way that students can become more comfortable at school? Through shared laughter with their classmates. Thanks…
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A Taste of Comfort for Haven House Residents

“They kind of taste like spicy mashed potatoes!” An evening of tantalizing adventure took place within the shelter of Haven House as “Epic Ethnic Food Night” brought about new flavors and many laughs and challenged residents and children to step out of their taste buds’ comfort zone. A generous group of employees from National Fuel…
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