Adeline* has been in a relationship with her partner for several years. The relationship had ups and downs, but he promised he would change, and things would get better. Eventually, things escalated from emotional abuse to a physical incident. Adeline decided she was done.

After her case was scheduled for court, she was feeling anxious as her story was recounted repeatedly – it was as if she kept reliving what happened. Wanting to help her mental health, Adeline reached out to Child and Family Services Haven House. She started attending support groups and individual counseling sessions with Kristin, Supervisor for the Counseling and Advocacy Program.

“It has been a journey for her,” explained Kristin. “Domestic violence is complicated, and many people don’t realize there’s a lot of grief associated with ending a relationship with someone you’ve grown to trust for years. Even after there has been abuse, there is a sense of nostalgia that remains.”

For a year, Adeline has been in and out of court, but the end is now in sight. To prepare for the case’s resolution, Hailee, Domestic Violence Advocate, worked with Adeline to craft her victim impact statement and help her process the emotions associated with telling her story in court. Hailee has been an essential part of Adeline’s healing journey by accompanying her to court hearings, navigating her through the court system and communicating with attorneys handling her case.

In her counseling sessions with Kristin, Adeline learned what she wants out of a relationship, how to set healthy boundaries and she’s been envisioning what her future looks like outside of the previous relationship.

“I’m excited for her and proud of her for closing this chapter and moving forward with the next stage of her life,” said Kristin. “I’ve seen a lot of growth in her from when we first started counseling sessions to now.”

Since sharing her story, Adeline is looking forward to working on her personal growth and she’s relieved to be one step closer to achieving closure.

*Names changed for confidentiality.