C+FS Visionary donors are the backbone of C+FS, contributing $5,000 or more to drive growth and programming at the Agency. These leaders look toward the future investing in the long-term goals and successes of our programs and community we serve. Visionaries will receive exclusive updates from internal leadership, recognition at special events and other benefits. Thank you to these individuals for helping to create progress and shape the path forward for those we serve.  

Benefits for Members Include:

  • VIP Tour of 844 Delaware Avenue Campus 
  • Customized agency updates on programs/services of interest 
  • Name publicly displayed at 844 Delaware Avenue 
  • Child and Family Services branded merchandise 
  • Donor Spotlight in an eblast and on our website 
  • Public acknowledgment in the Agency’s Community Impact Report and on our social media pages 
  • Recognition at the Celebration of Friends event
  • Invitation to a meeting with the President and CEO and members of our Senior Leadership Team