Child and Family Services (C+FS) is part of the Erie County Preventive Services Coalition, a group of preventive service providers who meet and work together on how to better serve the Western New York.

Every year, the coalition hosts a tabling event for front-line workers at the Erie County Department of Social Services (ECDSS). Louis Dangelo, Supervisor for Preventive Services and Makenzie Victor, Wraparound Care Coordinator Supervisor, attended the event and shared information about C+FS with county workers.

“We had conversations about all the programs C+FS has to offer, not just Preventive Services,” explained Louis. “People who attended this event work with clients who may need additional resources and can benefit from other C+FS programs. It was a great networking opportunity for our organization.”

Over 100 front-line workers, supervisors and Erie County Department of Social Services staff members were given information about programs at C+FS. These workers in the community also had wonderful things to say regarding the professionalism at the Agency.

Three C+FS case planners – Jane Wilson, Jessica Francis and Samantha Currie – were specifically praised by the event’s attendees. These providers cited the case planners’ attentiveness, ability to establish relationships with families and timeliness with documentation and paperwork as exceptional. Because of their efficiency, families can connect with resources they need.

“Hearing everyone’s positive feedback about Jane, Jessica and Sam and how they make other people’s lives easier was such an amazing experience,” emphasized Louis. “It puts into perspective how impactful our work is to our community partners and families.”

In the future, C+FS and Erie County are looking to further develop their advocacy efforts by hosting combined trainings within the coalition. These trainings will discuss topics Preventive Service providers need to know, such as trauma informed care.